0 - 2 Year Olds

Young children need lots of love and extra special care and our Infant Care program provides just that for under 2 Year olds.
0 - 2 Year Olds
For a toddler the world is a magical place, full of constant learning and exploration. When caring for toddlers we help facilitate that adventure along with positive emotional guidance helping them to understand the boundaries of their independence.
We help provide structure to little lives through a consistent routine which includes free play, structured play, group times for music and language, and outdoor experiences.
Our encouraging and nurturing staff are sensitive to the individual needs of each toddler’s social and emotional development.
And each child has their own personal learning journal which helps you follow them on their exciting journey of self-discovery.
To find out more, download our ‘Information Handbook’.
What To Bring
Bottles filled and labelled ( formula / breast milk )
Labelled sippy cup / water bottle
Sun hat / winter hat
Changes of clothes
Any medication or cream