4 Year Old Kindergarten

Our 4 Year Old program is aimed at preparing our young people for school.
4 Year Old Kindergarten
Our Department of Education and Training approved kindergarten program, with qualified kindergarten teachers, offers a secure and encouraging environment for children to develop autonomy, focus on respectful relationships and understand social courtesies.
We engage children with individual, small group and whole group experiences and structured group sessions for discussion times, music and language. All activities are designed to be flexible and are focused on the learning experience rather than the academic outcome, while literacy and numeracy is introduced naturally through everyday experiences.
Our 4 Year Old program is aimed at preparing our young people for school. We focus on helping children understand and deal with their emotions, to be able to initiate friendships and develop self-confidence and self-esteem.
We know that social and emotional readiness will assist in successful entry to school, allowing them to be effective learners.
How we prepare our Little Flyers for school:
Encouraging children’s participation in group games and experiences;
Supporting children to cooperate with peers and make friendships in free play situations;
Having regular ‘lunch box’ days so children can practice opening these and eating their own lunch;
Talking positively with children about starting school;
Discussing school visits or orientation events with children, before
and after they occur;Arranging visits to the local school so children can get used to
the environment and activities;Inviting guest speakers to speak with families about school readiness and transition;
Encouraging children’s independence in all areas of self-care;
Helping children to use pencils, crayons, textas, scissors and glue unassisted; and
Reading with children regularly
To find out more, download our ‘Information Handbook’.
What To Bring
Labelled drink bottle
Sun hat / winter hat
Changes of clothes
Any medication or cream