Declaration of Intent
Little Flyers Learning Centres adopt a Reggio Emilia approach to learning which believes that each child develops their own unique knowledge, beliefs, culture, learning style and values. We acknowledge that families are the child’s first teachers and they are central to their child’s learning.
Our educational programs ensure each child is respected as an individual within a group and is encouraged to reach their full potential. We believe that children should develop connections and relationships with their communities and that everyone has the right to belong. Children, families and staff in our Centres will develop cultural competence and in the process, create a shared culture where everyone feels safe, included, respected and valued.
Our environments and learning experiences aspire to create positive and trustful relationships, courage, resilience, empowerment and well-being. Children are encouraged to be empathetic and caring. They will experience success, joy and celebration, by taking risks in their learning, accepting and embracing diversity, developing confidence in themselves and learning from their mistakes.
We know that children learn best when they are interested, curious and motivated. Educators will have high expectations of children and will work with them to co-construct knowledge through learning strategies such as play, inquiry, investigation and research. Educators will scaffold children’s learning, through a responsive curriculum and a commitment to assist children in their search for meaning.
We acknowledge the many ways that children express themselves and communicate. We afford children a hundred ways to express their ideas: imaginative, symbolic, cognitive and metaphorical. Educators listen, document and assess children’s theories and knowledge and share these through documentation to families and the community.