New to Child Care?
Leaving your child in the care of someone else can be a very overwhelming experience.
At Little Flyers Learning Centres we strive to make the process of enrolling your child engaging and informative, making you and your child feel comfortable and at ease. We offer free orientation sessions where our educators get to know your child’s routines, likes and dislikes, which gives you and your child a chance to become familiar with the Centre environment and the educators who will care for them.
During a thorough tour of the Centre, our Centre Director has a chance to meet families one-on-one and give them an outline of the Centre’s policies and procedures. Families also meet the education staff and can voice any questions or concerns they have before the child’s enrolment begins. This process is crucial to the beginning of our collaborative relationship.
Respectful Relationships
Our Centre redirects children in a positive manner to guide behaviour, rather than using negative verbal and physical direction. We believe this is of greater value to the child. Kinder aged children are encouraged to discuss and take personal responsibility for developing boundaries of behaviour that are respectful. Consultation is made with parents on important issues and our educators are always available for discussions.
Interactions with children
Little Flyers Learning Centres aims to ensure that all educators form positive and respectful relationships with each child ensuring they feel safe and supported in their environment. The Centre considers the diversity of individual children at the Centre, including family and cultural values, age, and the physical and intellectual development and abilities of each child, building collaborative relationships with families to improve learning and development outcomes for children. We encourage positive, respectful and warm relationships between children and educators/ staff at the Centre.
Each child is supported to learn and develop in a secure and empowering environment maintaining the dignity and rights of each child at the Centre. We encourage children to express themselves and their opinions, and to undertake experiences that develop self-reliance and self-esteem. We consider the health, safety and wellbeing of each child, and provide a safe, secure and welcoming environment in which they can develop and learn, maintaining a duty of care towards all children.
Each day your child is in our care, they are provided with 50 – 75 % of their daily nutritional needs. Little Flyers supply all meals and snacks throughout your child’s day with monthly rotating menus endorsed by Nutrition Australia. All allergies and dietary requirements will be catered for and to ensure the health and safety of all children, we ask that no food be brought into the Centre. Up to date nutritional information can be found in the foyer of every Little Flyers Learning Centre.
From January 2016 all Centres operating under the Education and Care Services National Law ‘No Jab, No Play’ legislation, will require all new enrolling children to be up to date with their immunisations as per the Department of Health’s Immunisation Schedule.
Child Protection
Little Flyers Learning Centres are responsible for providing a safe and caring environment for all children. We believe that the safety of children is paramount at all times and aim to protect a child’s right to be safe from abuse of any kind. Where there is a belief, on reasonable grounds, that a child has been harmed or is at risk of harm, adults in contact with or working with that child are ethically bound to act to maintain the child’s safety and wellbeing.